
Coming up with some color schemes can significantly help in deciding the overall look of an event. Certain colors can easily describe certain environments. They can successfully convey a specific mood and impression. What colors would you like to see at your event? Perhaps you have a favorite color or combination of colors, or maybe the current fashion trends have you leaning towards a particular color scheme. Here are some color schemes and the moods they help create:

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Deep shades of red, brown, and burgundy. Marked by rich textures, opulence, and luxuriousness.



Classic black and white warmed by chocolate brown for a clean and fresh, yet timeless look.



Earthy tones of brown and tan.


Shades of fuschia mixed with purples and light greens.


Chic and vintage look of pinks and blues mixed with earthy tones of green and brown.


Natural and earthy with gentle shades of yellow-green and blue warmed up with a rich shade of brown.



Spa-like tranquility in neutral greens and white.



Soothing deep blues juxtaposed with lustrous browns and blacks.


Sophisticated fuschias and purples accentuated with black, provocative and haute couture.


Bright colors from around the world for a bazaar-like feel and global atmosphere.



Rich tones of plum, purple, and lilac complemented by brown.


Earthy harmony of analogous shades of red with rose, terra-cotta, copper,and burgundy.


Earthy and tranquil with muted soft tones of grey, silver-blue, and brown.


A profusion of colors and textures.

Next, let's think about budget...